Saturday, February 5, 2011

Definition of Post


1. a strong piece of timber, metal, or the like, set upright as a support, a point of attachment, a place for displaying notices, etc.

2. Furniture . one of the principal uprights of a piece of furniture, as one supporting a chair back or forming onecorner of a chest of drawers. Compare stump ( def. 11 ) .

3. Paper making . a stack of 144 sheets of handmolded paper,interleaved with felt.

4. Horse Racing . a pole on a racetrack indicating the point where a race begins or ends: the starting post.

5. the lane of a racetrack farthest from the infield; the outside lane. Compare pole1 ( def. 4 ) .

–verb (used with object)

6. to affix (a notice, bulletin, etc.) to a post, wall, or the like.

7. to bring to public notice by or as by a poster or bill: to post a reward.

8. to denounce by a public notice or declaration: They were posted as...

9. to publish the name of in a list: to post a student on the dean's list.

10. to placard (a wall, fence, etc.) with notices, bulletins, etc.:The wall was posted with announcements.

11. to put up signs on (land or other property) forbidding trespassing: The estate has been posted by the owner.

12. Computers .
a. to send (a message) to a newsgroup.
b. to place (text) on a Web site.

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